The face of someone fighting HD is not always evident as with our father, Elmer L. Reason, aka Bud.  A tall, thin man of few words, he did not speak until he was 5.  He served his country in WWII which is how he met our mother, Kathy Workman Reason.  Our father, Bud died in 1998. Did he have Alzheimer’s; dementia; we were not sure until Jewel Reason Cruz was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease in her mid 40’s with a marker of 33. 

Now 20 years later, Jewel has gone from self-sufficient to being taken care of 24/7 by her husband Chris Cruz.  Huntington’s rob you of all your faculties etc…

She is the face of current HD. Her daughter Rikki Lea, grandsons Jake and CJ, her beautiful great granddaughter Ava Lea are todays and tomorrows faces of HD.

Let’s cure HD, join the fight and walk with us on September 17, 2016.
Jewel is our family’s first generation of Huntington’s disease. Let’s stop this horrific disease for her daughter and her family.
Most important let’s STOP it now for everyone involved, the afflicted, at risk group and their caretakers. 

USE YOUR PENNIES: Anything helps; Anything is possible.