Do you have Huntington’s disease in your family? Do you provide care for someone with HD? Do you have symptoms of HD or are you at risk? Would you like to meet other people who have been affected by HD? Are you interested in learning strategies to help you deal with HD?
Support can range from simply lending a helping hand to learning self-care, resources, and stress management. A support group is also a place for people to share concerns and obtain emotional support. Attending a support group may be a difficult decision, one that may open many doors and offer connections.
HDSA virtual support groups include groups for people affected by HD and caregivers. Each group is led by a facilitator. Speakers such as healthcareprofessionals, legal experts, and housing and placement specialists may also be invited to speak.
If you are not currently on our support group mailing list and would like to be, please email Susan Reynolds at
Support Group Information
Who: All persons who are living with HD, at risk for HD, or caring for someone with HD
When: 2nd Sunday of each month, 5-6 pm
Who: We invite all persons with HD Symptoms to join this support group, which will include participants across California. Come join us to connect with other HD persons and discuss triumphs and challenges, ask questions, and get support from others that know what having HD is like! If you live outside California but receive HD care in CA, you are welcome to attend.
When: 3rd Tuesday of each month, noon-1:30 pm
Who: We invite all persons who are caregivers to individuals with HD to join this support group which will include participants across Southern California. Come join us to connect with other Caregivers and learn from one another's experiences
When: Third Sunday of each month, 5-6 pm
Who: This support group is open to any persons (18 & over), that are grieving the loss of an HD loved one. Often it is hard for others to understand or relate to the grief and loss our HD families experience, and our hope is this group can provide a safe platform to openly discuss all aspects of grief/loss associated with the death of an HD loved one. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal." ~Author Unknown
Facilitators: Amy Slavin (HDSA Center of Excellence at UCLA), Susan Reynolds (OC and San Diego HDSA Social Worker), Elle Tadina-Siau (HDSA Center of Excellence at Northern California Kaiser)
When: 4th Tuesday of each month, noon-1 pm
All virtual support groups can now be found on the Hey Peers Platform. Please click and follow the instructions below to register and sign up for any/all the groups you want to attend.
If you have any challenges registering, please contact Susan Reynolds, LCSW, at or (206) 426-2080.
Please click here to register and join!
Instructions for Registering
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Susan Reynolds, Chapter Social Worker,
at or (206) 426-2080.